Meet Steve Bond
I grew up in Manoa on Oahu. My family had been in the islands for several generations. My mothers grandfather Walter Francis Frear was the 3rd Governor of Hawaii from 1907-1913. It reminds me every day of the importance of community service. It is what I use everyday in my home office. I spent summers with my extended family on Maui, Hawaii, Kauai and Molokai where my Grandmother lived. I love the ocean, mountains and family gatherings. I was fortunate enough to have graduated from Punahou School on Oahu in 1977. Initially I went to the University of Hawaii on the Big Island. I spent much time with my Cousin Lyman who operated a 60 acre macadamia nut farm on family property in North Kohala. After several semesters, I stopped formal classwork, worked various jobs and experienced the natural beauty of the big isle.

I moved back to Oahu in the early 1980’s where I began working in downtown Honolulu for E. A. Buck as an investment advisor. In the 1980’s I also was formally involved in one of our family businesses, where I was continuously an officer or director. It was in our family business that I honed my skills of successfully participating within a group setting for 15 years. Over the next several years my interest in finance, statistics, business cycles, pattern recognition, and economics grew to the point where I wanted to complete my college degree. Those easy going informal years allowed me to meet many people in diverse professions from all over the state.
Jumping out of my comfort zone I applied and was accepted to Columbia University, the prestigious Ivy League School in New York City. I eagerly studied all things relating to finance, math, econometrics, statistics, and economics. The academics were rigorous and challenged me. I still regularly attended the telephone conference calls of our family business in Hawaii as a director on the board. I graduated in the mid 90’s.
While in New York I was actively involved with a non-profit Floating the Apple whose mission was to introduce the youth of New York to maritime careers. Sept. 11 2001 happened and shocked everyone around the world. I was living in the West Village of Manhattan then as was my girlfriend Jeanne, who became my wife. We volunteered with many organizations including the Red Cross in the disaster response effort. We wanted to be part of the solution.
Over the next couple of years we travelled back to Hawaii frequently to visit my aging parents. They moved into One Kalakaua, the assisted living center in Honolulu. My mother MM passed away in 2004. I started volunteering with the Linda Lingle Campaign, I wanted to be part of the solution. We watched the supper ferry come and go and were confounded and perplexed when the Oahu Rail project started sucking up perpetually larger and larger amounts of taxpayer monies. The islanders got stuck with higher taxes to fund this pet project. Years later this project is vastly over budget and still unfinished. The seeds of my desire to speak out about the political mismanagement of Hawaii’s affairs were planted. I was able to spend time over the next five years with my Father Ben. It was important to spend that quality time. My wife Jeanne was there for him, as she is there for me now.
We moved to Upcountry Maui in 2013 where we volunteered with the CERT emergency management program. We wanted to be part of the solution when disaster strikes. Jeanne and I helped with a team of other volunteers islandwide to train, teach and deploy across the island. When we are not busy working as Realtors I enjoy taking care of our plants and animals.
Our traditional politicians have created the perfect storm of multiple catastrophes. The seeds and weeds have been planted and are compromising our future. Once again I am getting out of my comfort zone. I willing to go to Washington DC to make the hard decisions and more importantly to proactively communicate with the people of Hawaii. My reading of the Ti leaves is that we have extreme challenges on multiple fronts. It is my pledge to alert and inform the people of Hawaii as to what is coming, and how best to survive and thrive in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. My role as Senator is to represent and stand for the people of Hawaii. Visit TruthSocial.com - "Follow" @Stevenbond to get regular updates.
In 2020 my statistics and pattern recognition awarenesses suggested that this globally coordinated response was scripted. I was extremely disappointed at the way our elected representatives were responding to the Coronavirus situation. And that inspired me to run for Congress from District 2 in Hawaii. I was quite alarmed at the unprecedented spending proposals to “justify” the enormously costly and numerous legislative packages Federally, and across the Counties and the State of Hawaii. See my positions from early 2020 at the link below.
Our current international situation has intentionally been caused by a globally coordinated response by the governments of the world including the elected representatives in Hawaii. Collectively they have not challenged their respective executives. In May of 2022 the FDA Commissioner Robert Califf recently stated the Coronavirus is similar to the flu; the political class is still using this manufactured crises to obtain and consolidate power at the expense of citizens of Hawaii.
This comes after a deliberate destruction of many, many types of products as their respective supply chains have intentionally been diminished or obliterated. I invite everybody to join the fight. Email me at votestevebond@gmail.com
The primary election ballots get sent out in late July and must be in by August 13, 2022.
I encourage walk-in voting. For your vote for me to count, only Republican races as well as the non-partisan races can be selected; otherwise your ballot is considered spoiled and it won’t be counted according to Hawaii Law.
Thank you for your consideration.
Steve Bond